Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Wednesday Ramblings

So I really haven't posted in a while.....I've been meaning to....I've written numerous blog posts in my head but none "on paper" or "typed out" perhaps I should say ;) And since I haven't coherently thought this particularly post out, it will be some miscellaneous ramblings of what is on my mind!

Life has been good in the Recznik household. We just got back from a 5 day trip, which I am hoping to write about soon because I took lots of pictures and thought a lot about what I could say about it :) The short story of it is that we went to Connecticut for our friends' wedding and then made a vacation out of it by stopping in Hershey, PA on the way there and NYC on the way back :)

#JMBRecznik Family in NYC

Monica did great and actually improved her sleeping skills while on the trip which I am incredibly thankful for! Speaking of Miss Monica, I am long overdue for her 2, 3, and now 4 month blog posts.....thinking I'll combine those into one post! lol.

But she really has improved her sleeping because even though she has been sleeping 8-9 hours a night for a while now, she started waking up in the middle of the night for no reason about a month ago and wouldn't fall back asleep unless she was rocked to sleep and sometimes not even then :/ She definitely didn't need to eat so it was quite frustrating. However, on this trip she miraculously managed to figure out how to sleep all night long without waking up. And if she did wake up, she took her pacifier (which she used to do before the 3-month fiasco!) and went back to sleep. Yay for sleep which is much underrated!

This evening I really wanted to find something to make for dinner because even though I have a calendar full of ideas (see below), I still dislike repeating meals and want to have more variety! So I posted on FB for people's healthy meal options and landed on Stuffed Pepper Soup. This is my first time attempting it and it is currently simmering on the stove as I write. I will let you know how it turns out!

Meal Planning at its Finest

My Stuffed Pepper Soup

Because a road trip necessarily demands snacks, Joel-Michael and I indulged in lots of junk food, including chips, cookies, candy, and other really-bad-for-you foods. Along those lines, I haven't worked out since like September 10th because after working out continuously from July 14th-Sept 10th in order to lose my baby weight, I just NEEDED A BREAK. But now that I have eaten an over-abundance of junk food and also not worked out, I feel a strong urge to eat healthy and begin my workout routine again....there are still 5 pounds just hanging out, refusing to go away and I just can't have that!

Lol. I keep telling myself that it's only 5 pounds, but then when I think about the number of children I want to have (10-15), I realize that 5 pounds from each child would easily add up and I would be immensely overweight (50-75lb)! And so workouts here I come! :P

Anyway, I think that these are sufficient ramblings for one blog post! Enjoy your evening - here's hoping for more coherent thoughts next time!

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