Sunday, October 23, 2016

Five Months

(5 Months = September 21 - October 21, 2016 AKA Weeks 18-22)

Month 5 Events and Milestones: 

Monica is 5 months today (or it was today when I started writing this lol)! It's crazy how time flies. Some days I think she is so small but then I see newborn babies and I feel like she's so big already! I just keep thinking about how next month she'll be six months and I associate 6 months with babies sitting up, starting to eat baby food, and just generally acting older. It almost makes me a little sad to see how fast she is growing, but at the same time I love seeing how her little personality is developing and it's exciting to think about what she'll be like when she's walking around and talking.

Monica and her cousin, Maddie-Jo

Over the last month lots of exciting things have happened with her growth. She's been sleeping an average of 8-9 hours a night with the occasional 10-11 hours. Her bedtime tends to be between 8 and 10pm generally. She is now down to 5 feedings a day with no regular nighttime feedings. I say "no regular nighttime feedings" because off and on for the last month she has woken up in the middle of the night and just doesn't know how to fall asleep very well on her own yet so I will occasionally end up nursing her. 

Some nights we get lucky and she just needs her pacifier. Other times she needs to be rocked back to sleep. And if I'm really tired and/or rocking just isn't working, this is when I will usually nurse her because I'm SO tired I usually have my eyes CLOSED while walking around and it's much faster to feed her and put her back to bed! Lol but of course by the time I decide to nurse her it's because 30-60 minutes have passed and I suddenly realize in my zombie state of mind that it really wasn't worth all that time! However, I know she does not NEED to eat at night anymore, so I try my best to help her go back to sleep without nursing.

Isn't she so cute with her daddy? ;)
At the end of September we borrowed a Bumpo seat from Mickey's sister, Regina. So far Monica seems to love sitting in it because she can see more of what's going on around her. She usually only sits in it for 10-15 minutes at a time, but it's nice to have an item that keeps her happy and doesn't take up much space!

The biggest thing we did this month was take Monica on a 5 day, 4 night road trip to PA, CT, and NY. One of Joel-Michael's household brothers was getting married in Connecticut and he was able to get the time off of work so we made it into a big road trip, which was a lot of fun and of course well-documented with pictures ;) Hopefully I'll get around to a separate post on everything we did, but the major highlights include a stop to Hershey Park, the wedding itself, and a trip to the Statue of Liberty!

Other miscellaneous highlights include the fact that Monica has figured out how to splash around in her little bathtub. It's really funny to watch because she'll lift up both legs and shove them down again into the water. I would share my photos/video, but I really don't think that sort of thing should be on the internet, so you'll just have to come visit us if you want to see them ;)

Another big skill Monica has achieved is scooting. She is quite the little backwards scooter. We caught her going all the way under the couch a few days ago. She hasn't quite figured out how to go forwards yet but I don't doubt that that will be happening soon!

And last but not least, Monica went on a big trip to the pumpkin patch with Grandma Recznik, her cousin Maddie-Jo, and several aunts. Unfortunately she was in a fairly grumpy/tired/upset mood. But we still managed to get quite a few cute shots of her in the patch and it was a lot of fun!

Eating and Sleeping Habits:

  • Week 19 was the first week when Monica only ate 5 times
  • Weeks 20-22, she has fairly consistently only needed 5 feedings a day
  • Occasionally 6 times if I get too exhausted trying to help her fall asleep and then just feed her in the middle of the night
  • Almost always goes at least 3 hours between feedings, but usually 3-4 hours and it has been as long as 5 hours
  • We tried a little "cry-it-out" sleep training to see if we could help her learn to fall asleep better on her own, but we probably weren't consistent enough and it had mixed results. Oh, and did I mention she's still in the same room as us? Yeah, that made it more challenging! lol
  • Week 20ish she started taking 2 1/2 hour naps once a day, usually in the mid-afternoon, which was fantastic!
  • Week 19 She started sleeping 8-9 hours a night and has continued doing so!


No new info yet until her 6-month appointment next month!


I feel like I said a lot and nothing at the same time in this post. lol. But it has been a lot of fun watching Monica grow and learn to do new things. Sometimes it seems like she does something new and different every day. She makes us laugh a LOT with her funny faces and silly antics and it makes being a mom (and dad) so great! It also makes me want more Looking forward to lots more adventures!

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