(3 Months = July 21 - August 21, 2016 AKA Weeks 9-14)
Again, here I am 2 months late on this one, but better 2 months late than never!
I forgot to mention in the previous month's post that Monica LOVES her tummy time! She has had crazy-strong neck muscles since she was born (she is constantly lifting her head up and being nosey), and a few days before her 2 month mark, I took this photo:
We also took Monica to not one, but TWO Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball games during Week 5 of her life, and took advantage of Joel-Michael's hotel discount to spend a few nights in Pittsburgh. It was a lot of fun and she was very well behaved. We got lucky enough to sit in front of a huge family reunion and everyone was so nice to us. I even managed to nurse her during the game with no problems! It was finding a diaper changing station that was the hard part! You would not believe how few bathrooms actually have a baby changing station - SO FEW! Okay rant over. We had a great time overall though :)
Month 3 Events and Milestones:
My mom found and bought us a hanging toy for Monica to use and she loves it! She also found us some bows, which have greatly added to Monica's wardrobe and helped her to look more feminine. Monica has always been quite expressive, but capturing some of her many expressions on camera is always challenging but she is just SO funny!
Since we took Monica to a Pirates Game, it was necessary (of course) to take her to a Cleveland Indians game too! And luckily a few weeks earlier I had found a super-cute onesie for her that said Cleveland Indians on it so it was perfect. We dressed up in our gear and took her to the game. She slept for most of it which was nice for us and overall was fairly well-behaved. I only had to stand up with her at the end of the game.
When Joel-Michael's Aunt Leslie was in town, she requested that everyone dress up for family photos for her, so here are a few from our little in-house session. Nothing too fancy or professional, but it's always good to have at least SOME type of photos together :)
During this month, Monica started getting a little easier to hold and therefore dress up, so naturally I took advantage of this fact (and probably went a little overboard in some cases!)
You know that hanging toy my mom bought for us? Well Monica started learning to reach for the toys on August 8th (week 12), which was super fun to watch. We also bought a little swing for her to sit in because she LOVED the one at my parents house and would even take naps in it. It was definitely a lifesaver for me because she stayed happy on her own longer and I was able to find more time for exercising or cleaning or showering ;) lol. I know, I know, but showering is WAY more underrated than I thought!
We also kind of introduced her to TV a little bit....not that she really got the concept, but she would stare at it for about 5-10 minutes and end up falling asleep so that worked for me! And I almost forgot to include this, but Monica rolled over for the first time! I put her to bed on her stomach and when I went in to get her because she was awake, she was on her back! She did this several other times, but I still have yet to see her do it outside of the pack n play.
Probably the biggest event in this time frame was our big trip to West Point to visit my younger brother, Stephen! This really is overdue for its own blog post, which I certainly hope to do in the future, but for now a short blurb will have to suffice! Joel-Michael wasn't able to get enough time off from work, so Monica and I went on our own with my family. All of my siblings were able to make it as well as my grandma so it was really special! Monica did surprisingly well for her first big road trip and we had a great few days.
Her next big adventure was joining us for our annual trip to the Jefferson County Fair. As much as I love the fair, it was definitely a little different and a lot harder having a baby....We pushed her around in the stroller for a while and had both grandmas holding her at different times, but toward the end she got pretty fussy so I carried her around in the baby carrier. I think it will probably be a little more fun and a lot easier when she can walk around and sit on some of the rides. But I still got to eat lots of food (which is basically why I go lol) so it was still worth it!
Eating and Sleeping Habits:
- Week 10 she dropped down to 7 feedings
- Week 11 she was down to 6 feedings a day
- She ate an average of 3 but sometimes 4 hours apart
- There were rare middle of the night feedings
- Because Mickey was working the 3-11 shift, I usually tried to have her last feeding around 11pm or 12am to maximize our sleeping hours!
- Week 9 she started sleeping 6 hours a night
- Week 10 she started sleeping 7 hours a night
- Week 11 she started sleeping 8 hours a night!
- Week 13, she had mixed amounts but a few 8 or 9 hour chunks of sleep each night
No new info yet until her 4-month appointment next month!
As I said in the beginning, this was the best month to date in terms of how I started feeling. It was nice having Monica start entertaining herself, even for small chunks of time so that I could have some time back to myself :)
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