Friday, October 7, 2016

The Secret of the Onesie

Anyone who has been around babies enough has probably noticed the way their little onesies are designed. They have those funny overlapping flaps that most people think are to help it to fit over the baby's head. While this may be a benefit, it is actually not why they are designed this way. Up until recently, I honestly just thought it was a strange style or something.

When we were at our friend's wedding last week, one of our other friends was explaining to me how she had seen something on Facebook that talked about why onesies are made that way. This will revolutionize your baby onesie experience. lol. They are actually made that way so that you can slip the baby's arms out of them and pull it down and off the baby, particularly when a poopy explosive diaper happens! #LifeHackForTheWin

This buzzfeed article has a video and some pictures that give you a visual! I was SO excited to learn this and thought I would share because I literally used this new-found knowledge 2 days ago for Miss Monica's explosion ;)

This picture is from when she was 3 months old but she's wearing a onesie so it works ;)

3-Months old (lol back in August)

Happy Diaper Changing!

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