Monday, November 5, 2018

Perfectionism & What's Holding YOU Back?

Last night I had a dream about writing a blog post. I had a dream that something had happened in my life and it was something I felt passionate about so I naturally felt the need to blog about it. Lol. It was so vivid and real that when I woke up this morning I had to think, wait, did that event really happen? But no, it hadn't. And yet here I am blogging anyway because, well, I've realized some things about myself. Things I already knew, but I think would be good for me to share in case it helps you too.

I am a perfectionist. But not in everything. In an ideal world, I guess my house would be perfectly clean and well-kept all the time. But in reality, that doesn't happen. I wait on washing dishes for several days at a time sometimes. Toys are constantly all over our living room (and it seems like the whole house). Laundry (clean and dirty) is piled in various places. You get the idea.

But I guess I mean that I am a perfectionist in things that I like doing or feel passionately about. So for example. I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago listing all the topics I want to cover, in the hopes that it would push me to blog more and also because I thought it would help me feel less overwhelmed.

It DID help me want to blog more (and I wrote a couple posts), but it did NOT help me feel less overwhelmed. In fact, I think it had the opposite effect. Instead of feeling inspired and motivated, I felt stuck. Almost like writer's block. I suddenly second-guessed everything I wanted to write about. After all, who am I to write on topics life NFP or sleep-training or weight loss? And what if I offend someone or make them not like me because of how I write something or what we choose to do?

So I was stuck. Which is why I haven't actually written on any of those topics yet lol. I was too worried about what other people might think. But why? Why does it matter? I'm not writing to be mean. I'm not intentionally going to be trying to hurt someone's feelings. I'm writing because I love writing. I'm writing because I'm passionate about life and what happens in it. I have strong feelings and opinions because I'm human.

And honestly, I'm not writing to change anyone's minds or tell you that you're wrong in how you choose to do something. I'm writing because writing helps me process things. I'm writing because maybe you'll be helped or encouraged or inspired by something I say. Maybe you'll just unfollow me. And that's okay too. I'm not writing for the "likes" or the "followers" or the popularity. I'm writing because I feel like I need to. Because writing builds me up. Because it makes me happy and able to be a better mom and wife. Because I'm an external processor and sometimes it helps me process things I couldn't otherwise process very well.

So, while I hope that you'll continue to follow me and read along and comment, that's not my goal. This blog is for MY thoughts and perspectives on life as a wife and mother. I can't write about or speak to things I haven't experienced yet or perhaps never will experience. But I CAN write on what I know or have experienced in my life. And I hope you'll like what I write, but if not, then find someone else who inspires you; find someone who gives you life and helps you to feel confident in your choices and decisions.

I'm done being a perfectionist on my blog with the topics I write about. I'm done stressing about "getting it right" or being worried about someone being hurt by what I say.

This month is NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month, and while I'm not a novelist by any means and this blog is not a novel (even if it may feel like that sometimes with my wordiness :P ), I want to take this month to intentionally write more. To write a minimum of 3x a week. (Start small and increase as you can, right?). I'd love to write more but we'll see what happens with the flow of life. 

I guess that's it for now. I was never very good at intros or conclusions or titles in my English classes. I love grammar though, so I guess I have that going for me. But the rest may be a struggle as we go along lol.

But think about what's holding you back? Are you a perfectionist too? Are you worried what other's think? Maybe you think you don't have time to do something. What can you change to make time? We are capable of so much. We just have to figure out what's holding us back and let go of it!

Rachel Hollis, the author of Girl, Wash Your Face (one of my upcoming topics!!), has so much to say and letting go of fear and letting go of what others think of you, so I'll just leave you with a few more screenshots of some of my favorite quotes from her (and her instagram page ;) )


  1. You go girl!! We all need to bbe reminded of this. Thank you! :D

  2. Yay!!!; I am so happy to see you blogging!! Clearly why we gwg along so well is because we are both external processors. Love you!!!
