It seems like every time I try to write on a blog consistently, I fail. Maybe I'm not meant to be a "mommy blogger." Maybe I'm too lazy to write frequently. Or maybe I set my expectations too high and fall short every time. I'm thinking it's that last reason. But making time to write on my blog(s) would also be good.
Yes, blog(s) is plural. I've probably started somewhere between 7 and 10 blogs. How many do I write consistently for? Just 1. Well, hopefully now 2. lol. If you've read any other posts by me, it's likely been on my "venting" / "speaking the truth" blog, which is more commonly known as "I will not be silent."
Of course, when I say consistently, you have to understand that to me this just means that I have written more than 5ish posts before giving up on my other blogs. Maybe it was the title. Maybe I didn't think I had enough to say. I've never had that problem with my "truth" blog. I use it infrequently, but I do use it. Whenever something in the world makes me mad, I use this blog. It's great. I can speak truth while also venting and getting out some frustration. Do other people read it? I have no idea.
Will people even read this? I have no idea. Honestly, I think people are probably sick of my starting blogs, posting the link and then giving up. I can't blame them. But maybe this one will be better. I have a good feeling about this one.......famous last words ;) We'll see.
I decided to skip the intro post though. You know, the one where the blogger introduces themselves and tries to get you to like them. But every time I've tried to do that on my previous blogs, I always feel like I can never get to the point where I can just write. I'm always spending my blog posts writing about my past, rather than what's going on now!
Don't get me wrong; I'll make sure you learn about me, but it'll be in increments. One thing I know about me and writing/blogging thus far, I write better when it's more of a stream of consciousness (is that even how it's spelled?). I prefer to just write and worry about editing later.....or sometimes I leave the editing out entirely. The main point is that I write the best whenever I feel motivated. Sitting around trying to come up with a blog post does NOT equal a good post.
So if you're still up for reading and learning more about me, then buckle up because it's gonna be a crazy adventure. I like roller coasters, so I'm pretty sure this blog will seem like we're on one. Crazy twists and turns and the occasional scream as we try to navigate through this life, er blog. well, both really.
But just so you don't leave feeling like you know nothing about me, my name is Bernadette (Scott) Recznik. I put my maiden name in parenthesis because I have a sister-in-law with the same first, middle, and now last name as me. In person it's easy to tell us apart, but sometimes social media things can confuse people who know us.
Speaking of maiden names, I just got married on July 4th of this year and it was the most AMAZING and PERFCT wedding I could have ever imagined. And I married the most incredible man in the world. We invited over 600 people and still managed to have a decent budget with no loans and no kidnapping for ransoms. ;) that was a joke....about the kidnapping and loans, I mean. We really did have a big wedding for a relatively small price.
Because there are girls reading this post and I know we all love pictures, here's one for now until I can get my life together in order to actually sort through them all!
Okay okay I'm done for now. But just so you know, sometimes I get really motivated and feel like writing multiple posts in a day. So that could totally happen in the
Talk to you soon!
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