I thought it would be interesting to blog about the differences and similarities I have noticed between this pregnancy and my last one. I'm curious if things are one way or another simply because it's my second pregnancy or if it has to do with being pregnant with a boy or a girl. I guess only time (and hopefully more babies) will tell! Still, I figured I can use this post as a reference in the future to see what continues to happen. So welcome to my random ramblings....
1. Stretch Marks/Stretching Feeling
When I was pregnant with Monica, I definitely remember noticing as stretch marks would appear and also those spidery purple veins on my legs from the weight gain. I also remember my stomach hurting off and on as it was in the process of stretching. However, with this little baby boy, I see the stretch marks, but they had faded away somewhat from Monica and just reappeared again as he continued growing. Also, I have had zero pain with stretching feelings this time around. I AM really curious though, if I had lost all the baby weight from Monica (I still had 10lbs to go), and if I was in super great shape, would it feel like I was starting over again? Or would my body easily stretch like it did this time around?
2. Nausea/Morning Sickness
When I was pregnant with Monica, I definitely felt sick/nauseous more often than this time, and while I only threw up a few times with her, I never threw up this time. To be honest, I attributed it to the fact that I had gotten better at eating right away when I woke up instead of waiting and then feeling sick. But, I do wonder if it had to do with the gender difference!
3. Allergies/Gag Reflex
Several, maybe many of you, know that my allergies get SO much worse when pregnant. With Monica, they started worsening in the 2nd trimester, but with this baby, I would say I noticed them worsening in the 1st trimester. Could it have to do with the times of year that I was pregnant? Is it a gender thing? Is it simply the fact that my body realized sooner that it was pregnant and that automatically means my allergies are supposed to be worse? Not sure. lol. It wouldn't be so bad if allergies meant that I had to blow my nose more often. But for me, while pregnant, it means that I feel like I constantly have post-nasal drip, and that feeling makes me want to gag (and I often do). Ugh. This makes bad smells even worse because I already have a slight urge to want to throw up. lol. Hello poopy diapers from a toddler!
4. Heartburn
Oh man. I sure hope this little guy is born with some hair. I have had WAY more heartburn with him than with Monica. Heartburn with her started in the third trimester and was manageable with tums or even a small glass of milk. Heartburn with this kid is crazy! It started sooner, maybe the second trimester, and was manageable in a similar way at first, but by the third trimester, it was waking me up at night and making it hard to sleep. Nevermind getting up to pee! lol. So while I did receive lots of great natural suggestions for what might help, I am currently taking Zantac to help relieve some of the burn.
5. "Showing" + Weight Gain
Pregnancy and weight gain really needs to be its own post, so for now I'll just say that unfortunately I have gained more this pregnancy rather than less or at least the same. It also doesn't help to still have some weight carrying over from my first pregnancy, but that aside, I still gained more. Maybe next time will be better lol. Also, along those lines, with Monica, I was constantly wondering if I was showing yet or wondering when I would start showing (it didn't help to have people asking all the time lol). But with this baby, no worries - I started showing pretty quickly! Like maybe even week 6? Somehow all that weight you managed to lose or tone just pops out right away lol.
6. Baby Dropping
Monica didn't drop until 2 days before she was born. With this baby, I'm not positive when (or for sure if) he dropped, but I think it might have happened around week 36 since I have been much hungrier every night since that week. Also, I notice a lot of pressure lower down, similar to when I felt the urge to push so that's been a weird feeling!
7. Tiredness
I am definitely MUCH more tired with this pregnancy than last time. It's probably because I'm doing a lot with Monica these days and also because at the beginning of this pregnancy, Monica was still sharing a room with us/not always sleeping through the night without needing something. Some days I wonder how I worked while pregnant, but I was definitely able to sit a lot more often, and I also didn't have to do as much on my days off. Most days I wonder how people are pregnant and functioning with more than 2 kids lol....at least with one baby/toddler out and one baby still in utero, I can nap during Monica's naps...Not sure how that happens if you have 2+ kids out lol. Guess we'll see how it goes when we get there!
I feel like there were more things that came to my mind, but it's getting late and I'm tired! Sooo that's all for my random ramblings until next time ;)